The datamap applies to the Contracts download in the Contracts dataset published by AidData. The dataset represents a 3 month focus on linking international aid projects to contracts in Nepal.
Standardized Fieldname | Concept | Type | Language | Title | Description | Allowable Values |
contract_amount | AMOUNT | Currency | U.S. English | ContractAmount | The contract amount, in any currency. | |
contract_amount_usd | AMOUNT | Currency | U.S. English | ContractAmountUsd | The contract amount, converted to USD. | |
contract_award_id | ADD ON | Number | U.S. English | ContractAwardID | Legacy (ignore). | |
contract_award_source | CONTRACT TRACKING | Url | U.S. English | ContractAwardSource | A link to the original contract or a file name in the event of scanned documents (note: currently the original scanned documents are not available as part of the dataset). | |
contract_currency | AMOUNT | Currency | U.S. English | ContractCurrency | The currency which the original contract amount is in. | |
contractor_country | SUPPLIER | SingleSelect | U.S. English | ContractorCountry | The country in which the winning contractor is based. | Canada, China, Finland, Switzerland, ... |
contractor_name | SUPPLIER | Text | U.S. English | ContractorName | The name of the contractor to whom the contract was awarded. | |
date_of_award | AWARD FEATURES | DateTime | U.S. English | DateOfAward | The date on which the contract was awarded to the contractor. | |
end_date | CONTRACT FEATURES | DateTime | U.S. English | EndDate | The end date for the contract. | |
procurement_category | GOODS / SERVICES | SingleSelect | U.S. English | ProcurementCategory | The category of goods/services that the contract is for. | Civil Works, Consultant Services, Goo... |
project_id | SYSTEM | Number | U.S. English | ProjectID | The unique ID for the project (references "Database ID" in the Projects file). | |
start_date | CONTRACT FEATURES | DateTime | U.S. English | StartDate | The start date for the contract. | |
tender_notice_source | TENDER TRACKING | Url | U.S. English | TenderNoticeSource | A link to the original tender notice or a file name in the event of scanned documents (note: currently the original scanned documents are not available as part of the dataset). | |
transaction_id | CONTRACT TRACKING | Number | U.S. English | TransactionID | The primary key for the contract (for legacy reasons within the pilot "transaction" is used to refer to the combination of a procurement notice and a contract award). | |
transaction_title | GOODS / SERVICES | Text | U.S. English | TransactionTitle | A descriptive title of what the contract is for. | |
written_description | GOODS / SERVICES | Text | U.S. English | WrittenDescription | Additional information about what the contract is for. |