GB - Contracts Finder UK (United Kingdom)
Contracts Finder - All Notices
The dataset contains notices information published by Contracts Finder UK. The dataset in the CSV format includes - for each notice - its title and brief description, the name of the buying organisation and the contract value. The machine-readable XML document contains additional data for each notice, including CPV codes. The older notices links represent a monthly snapshot taken of recent notices that are published.

All links are in XML and CSV format and contain the information in the same form as the notices data. Data is available from January 2011 to present.

The data published is Crown copyright unless it is marked as third party copyright. Where the data is Crown copyright it will be assumed to be available under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL) unless it is marked as either:
- Value added material
- Material licensed by a Crown organisation under a delegation from the Controller of HM Stationery Office (HMSO)

You can use Crown Copyright data available under the OGL in your own information applications so long as you comply with the standard OGL terms and conditions. If the Crown copyright data is not available under the OGL you must comply with the licence terms and condition which are identified as being applicable to that data. If the data published is marked as third party copyright you have no right to copy or reuse that data without first seeking permission from the copyright owner.
Contracting - Standard
Yes - https://online.contractsfinder.busine...
Machine Readable?
Last updated
June 14, 2014, 4:12 a.m.
Languages in dataset
Phases covered


Click to download the data:


  • CSV - The datamap applies to the Recent Notices download in the Contracts Finder UK All Notices dataset. Note that both Recent and Older Notices have the same fields. The Url field is categorized as SYSTEM even though it could arguably be in TRACKING but the UK notices dataset mixes a few fields together.

Comparison Grids