CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_number | CONTRACT_NUMBER | UNOPS - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | po_dt | PO_DT | UNOPS - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_code | CONTRACT_CODE | CompraNet - Contracts - Excel |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_number | contract_number | - Tenders Data - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_id | Contract ID | Checkbook - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | parent_contract_id | Parent Contract ID | Checkbook - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | registration_date | Registration Date | Checkbook - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_number | Number and date of the procurement contract | - Public Contracts - Excel |
CONTRACT TRACKING | legal_document_number | Legal Document Number | - Public Procurement - Excel |
CONTRACT TRACKING | initial_contract_registration_number | initial contract registration number | - Public Procurement - Excel |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_number | CONTRACT NUMBER | CompraNet - CompraNet 3.0 Tenders - Excel |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_url | URL OF CONTRACT | CompraNet - CompraNet 3.0 Tenders - Excel |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_number | contract-number | - Contract History - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | agreement_number | agreement-number | - Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | reference_number | Reference Number | - ACOA Disclosure of Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | transaction_id | TransactionID | Nepal Open Contract Data - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | contract_award_source | ContractAwardSource | Nepal Open Contract Data - Contracts - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | awards_contract_id | awards_contract_id | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
CONTRACT TRACKING | awards_contract_nr | awards_contract_nr | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |