AMOUNT | po_amount_usd | PO_AMOUNT_USD | UNOPS - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_value | CONTRACT_VALUE | CompraNet - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | currency | CURRENCY | CompraNet - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | estimated_value | estimated_value | Tender Monitor – Tender Data - CSV |
AMOUNT | include_vat | include_vat | Tender Monitor – Tender Data - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_value | contract_value | Tender Monitor – Tender Data - CSV |
AMOUNT | valuemin | VALUEMIN | Contracts Finder - All Notices - CSV |
AMOUNT | valuemax | VALUEMAX | Contracts Finder - All Notices - CSV |
AMOUNT | currency | currency | - Tenders Data - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_value | contract_value | - Tenders Data - CSV |
AMOUNT | original_amount | Original Amount | Checkbook - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | current_amount | Current Amount | Checkbook - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | spent_to_date | Spent to date | Checkbook - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_amount | Contract amount including VAT, lei | - Public Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | contract_amount | contract amount | - Public Procurement - Excel |
AMOUNT | maximum_amount | maximum amount | - Public Procurement - Excel |
AMOUNT | minimum_amount | minimum amount | - Public Procurement - Excel |
AMOUNT | termination_amount | termination amount | - Public Procurement - Excel |
AMOUNT | min_amount | AMOUNT MN Exc | CompraNet - CompraNet 3.0 Tenders - Excel |
AMOUNT | contract_value | contract-value | - Contract History - CSV |
AMOUNT | total_contract_value | total-contract-value | - Contract History - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_value | Contract Value | - ACOA Disclosure of Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_amount | ContractAmount | Nepal Open Contract Data - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_currency | ContractCurrency | Nepal Open Contract Data - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | contract_amount_usd | ContractAmountUsd | Nepal Open Contract Data - Contracts - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_contract_value | awards_contract_value | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_contract_value_currency | awards_contract_value_currency | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_contract_value_highest | awards_contract_value_highest | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_contract_value_initial | awards_contract_value_initial | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_contract_value_initial_currency | awards_contract_value_initial_currency | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_contract_value_lowest | awards_contract_value_lowest | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_total_value | awards_total_value | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_total_value_currency | awards_total_value_currency | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_total_value_highest | awards_total_value_highest | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_total_value_lowest | awards_total_value_lowest | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | awards_total_value_text | awards_total_value_text | OpenTED - Contract Awards - CSV |
AMOUNT | tender_price | Tender Price | ACCE - Tender Notices - Website |
AMOUNT | total_amount_purchase | Total Amount of Purchase | ACCE - Awards - Website |
AMOUNT | budget_amount | Total construction budget amount | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | total_amount_bookkeeping | The total amount of bookkeeping research | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | research_amount | Geumcha amount of research | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | estimated_price | Estimated price | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | design_cost | Design cost | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | construction_amount | Construction will amount | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | government_issue_amount | Amount of government issue | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | government_issue_amount_contractors | Government issue amount of contractors | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | government_issue_amount_current | Now government issue government issue amount | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | basic_price | Based on the amount | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | planned_price | Planned price | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | highest_bid | The highest bid | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | contract_amount | Contract Amount | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | total_contract_amount_bookkeeping | Bookkeeping total contract amount | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |
AMOUNT | contract_fee | Contract fee | KONEPS - Contracts - Excel |